How to Carry a Gun Discreetly in the USA

As it stands today, nearly about 13 million citizens of the USA have obtained the permit allowing them to own a firearm. And this figure is even quite low when you factor in that not all states report these permits. Many security-conscious citizens have now been permitted to own concealed handguns. This figure continues to increase daily as more people are becoming more aware of the need to protect themselves, their families, and their loved ones. Funny enough, the FBI reports state that violent crime and property crime have been falling dramatically for two decades. Yet, the number of privately owned firearms is still on the increase.

To avoid societal panic, it is often advised to move around with your firearm discreetly as a concealed carry. In simple terms, a concealed carry is a firearm carried around discreetly to avoid attention or cause unnecessary fear. The act of carrying a firearm discreetly is legal in most jurisdictions of the United States. You can choose to carry it in a holster, under a cloth, in your pants, in your bags, using an ankle holster, or any other method.

A handful of states and jurisdictions severely restrict or ban it, but all jurisdictions make provision for legal concealed carry via a permit or license or constitutional carry. Illinois was the last state to pass a law allowing for concealed carry, with license applications available on January 5, 2014.

However, several rules are guiding the ownership and use of concealed carry in the US. For instance, most states that require a permit have “shall-issue” statutes. If a person meets the requirements to obtain a permit, the issuing authority must issue one with no discretion. More states are granting their citizens the right to own a firearm and protect themselves. This would improve personal security and exposure to fatalities.

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